onlinebaccaratlivedealer| The catfish is really here! Can BYD Property Insurance be approved to use the national unified compulsory traffic insurance terms and rate coefficients, stir up the new energy auto insurance market?


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  财联社5月6日讯(记者 彭科峰)传闻已久onlinebaccaratlivedealer的比亚迪车险服务,这一次应该会很快和消费者见面了!


  金融监管总局批复 比亚迪财险再进一步




  对此,某券商非银分析师向财联社记者表示,车险仍然占据当前财险公司业务的大头,而交强险是由保险公司对被保险机动车发生道路交通事故造成本车人员、被保险人以外的受害人的人身伤亡、财产损失,在责任限额内予以赔偿的强制性责任保险。未经监管批准,任何单位和个人不得经营机动车交通事故责任强制保险业务。目前全国有超20家以上的主流车险公司。当然,按照要求交强险在所有车险公司的基准保费标准并无差别,但不同类型的车辆缴纳的交强险费用仍有不同。 本次监管对比亚迪财险在安徽等地的交强险业务的审批,应当可以看作比亚迪在上述地区可以提供相应服务。

  从永安财险转变而来 比亚迪财险营业“五一”已有传闻


  2023年5月12日,易安财险更名为比亚迪财险。不过,自收购批复以来,市场上几乎看不到比亚迪财险的身影。据其官网披露的偿付能力报表,2023年比亚迪财险全年保费收入合计-0onlinebaccaratlivedealer.69万元,几乎相当于没有开展业务。 从规模类指标看,比亚迪财险去年前四季度签单保费为负数,这说明该公司经营仍处于恢复状态。



onlinebaccaratlivedealer| The catfish is really here! Can BYD Property Insurance be approved to use the national unified compulsory traffic insurance terms and rate coefficients, stir up the new energy auto insurance market?


  新能源车险成“拦路虎” 多家车企已布局




The above analysts believe that, objectively, new energy car insurance faces the problems of high out-of-risk, high compensation and difficult profit, which is also the reason why many car companies "passively" enter the property insurance market. BYD won Yongan property Insurance for this purpose. Through the binding of new energy vehicle sales and insurance, it can dispel the worries of some car owners that it is difficult to apply for insurance, and further increase the market share of new energy vehicles. At the same time, new energy vehicles often have a certain user stickiness, relying on Internet channels, can also reduce third-party intermediate costs and save operating costs.

According to public information, at present, many car enterprises have entered the new energy automobile insurance market. In July 2018, Xiaopeng Motor established Guangzhou Xiaopeng Automobile Insurance Agency Co., Ltd.; in 2020, Tesla established an insurance brokerage company; in January 2022, Weilai invested 50 million yuan to establish a Weilai insurance broker; in mid-2022, ideal through its subsidiaries to transfer 100% equity in an insurance brokerage company.

From the market level, the market of new energy automobile insurance has enough imagination space. According to authoritative data, 2023OnlinebaccaratlivedealerThe production and marketing of new energy vehicles in China have completed 958 respectively.Onlinebaccaratlivedealer.70,000 and 9.495 million, up 35.8% and 37.9% respectively over the same period last year, with a market share of 31.6%. In the first quarter of this year, domestic sales of new energy vehicles reached 1.783 million, an increase of 33.3% over the same period last year. In addition, Soochow Securities recently released a research report that it is expected that by 2030, the scale of new energy car insurance premiums will reach 454.1 billion yuan, accounting for about 32.1% of the total car insurance premiums.

It is worth noting that some traditional insurance companies have a conservative attitude towards car companies. Yu Ze, president of PICC property insurance, has previously proposed that car companies involved in the car insurance business have a limited impact on the insurance industry. "the insurance industry has a large reserve of talents, and it is not possible to have enterprises and sales channels. Auto insurance has high requirements for underwriting and claims service outlets, and the huge network service system is a great challenge for car companies entering the auto insurance industry. "