crashbandicootteamracingps1| Tonghua Dongbao: Insulin degludec liraglutide injection was approved for clinical application


News summary

Tonghua Dongbao: Insulin degludec and liraglutide injection was approved for clinical application. Securities Times e Company Newscrashbandicootteamracingps1, Tonghua Dongbao (600867) announced on the evening of April 29 that the company recently obtained a medical certificate issued by the Center for Drug Evaluation (CDE) of the State Food and Drug Administration regarding insulin degludec and liraglutide injection.crashbandicootteamracingps1.crashbandicootteamracingps1..

Newsletter text

Tonghua Dongbao: The clinical application of Insulin degludec and liraglutide injection was approved by Securities Times Company e News, Tonghua Dongbao (600867) announced on the evening of April 29 that the company recently obtained the approval notice for the clinical trial of Insulin degludec and liraglutide injection issued by the Center for Drug Evaluation of the State Food and Drug Administration (CDE). Insulin degludec liraglutide injection is the world's first marketed combination preparation consisting of a basic insulin analogue and a GLP-1 analogue, a breakthrough fusioncrashbandicootteamracingps1It takes advantage of the two drugs in terms of their two-component advantages and complementary mechanisms. They target multiple pathophysiological mechanisms of type 2 diabetes and regulate glucose homeostasis.

crashbandicootteamracingps1| Tonghua Dongbao: Insulin degludec liraglutide injection was approved for clinical application


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