infinityarcade| Soochow Securities is under investigation and capital market supervision is upgraded! Zixin Pharmaceutical and ST Meixun are facing difficulties!


Soochow Securities was placed on file for investigation by the Securities Regulatory Commission because of its sponsor business.

April sixteenthInfinityarcadeSoochow Securities (601555) was suspected of failing to do its duty diligently in the recommendation business of non-public offerings of Gome Communications (600898) and Zixin Pharmaceutical (002118).InfinityarcadeIt was put on file for investigation by the CSRC. According to relevant laws and regulations, the company will actively cooperate with the regulatory work and fulfill the obligation of information disclosure. At present, the operation of the company is normal.

Zixin Pharmaceutical and ST Meixun involved in this incident are the focus of the capital market. Zixin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. was once known as the "Northeast Ginseng King", but its operating income has increased from 13% in 2018.Infinityarcade.25 billion yuan reduced to 1 in 2022InfinityarcadeThe net profit was 4.4 billion yuan, and the net profit was also a huge loss for three consecutive years. ST Meixun faces the risk of delisting, with an estimated loss of 105 million yuan in 2023.

Soochow Securities has not found any problems in the past announcements of ST, but its responsibilities as a sponsor have yet to be further examined. The Securities Regulatory Commission has imposed administrative penalties and banned market entry on ST and related responsible persons, with a fine of 36.36 million yuan.

This case-filing investigation follows the release of the new "National Nine articles", which aims to strengthen the supervision of capital market intermediaries and ensure that issuers and intermediary institutions fulfill their responsibilities as "gatekeepers". Soochow Securities and other four brokerages were put on file for investigation, marking the strengthening of industry supervision.

infinityarcade| Soochow Securities is under investigation and capital market supervision is upgraded! Zixin Pharmaceutical and ST Meixun are facing difficulties!

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